You should upgrade on your terms, not the manufacturer’s. After all, it’s your asset. A manufacturer’s ending support on a device doesn’t mean it’s no longer reliable or can’t be a useful part of your network. Our processes assure parts are available if you extend for a few months or years. Replacing failing devices is a snap and we don’t force you into a fixed term contract – super important if you’re considering a refresh or transformational technology but can’t pull the trigger just yet.

Don’t be forced into an unwanted upgrade, Replacement Services keeps you going until the time, technology or economics fit.

Discover how easy rethinking can be.

How You Win

  • The lowest service prices.
  • Freedom from the manufacturer’s upgrade policy and being tied to their technology upgrade path.
  • Rock-solid delivery.
  • Flexible terms.
  • OPEX expense – not CAPEX.
  • Monthly billing with an updated inventory.
  • Fast, no hassle replacements.
  • Easy to do business with.

Get Rethinking Working for You